Szilvia Timár

Master cosmetician, Adrienne Feller professional beauty therapist.

I’ve been working as a cosmetician since 1992, I took a master’s exam in 1999.

I first came across the Panarom brand more than 10 years ago, which now includes now the Adrienne Feller cosmetics. Since then, I’ve been regularly improving my knowledge at the Panarom Aromatherapist Institute. I took the Professional Beauty Therapist exam and was a student of the Aromatherapist training.
It’s difficult to preserve our beauty without harmony, so I consider it important to nourish our bodies with pure food, our soul with pure thoughts and our skin with pure cosmetics. During the treatments, the skin and the soul should be addressed at the same time.
The special quality of the touch, the stimulation of particular points, the combined power of pure oils, essential oils, flower essences dissolve the blocks and tensions inherent in the soul. The soul is released and the skin becomes radiant.


Mobile: +36-20-9356937

Facebook: Aromaérintés kozmetika-Budakeszi

Website: www.aromaerintes.hu


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