Egy sms vagy hívás indításával támogatod az endometriózissal kapcsolatos ismeretterjesztést.  13600

European Lifestyle Medicine Organization

Dear friends & colleagues,

We are excited to invite you to join us in Budapest, Hungary for the 5th European Lifestyle Medicine Congress that will take place on November 10th – 12th, 2023 at the Semmelweis University.

This congress will bring together delegates, distinguished experts and researchers from all over the world and provide an opportunity to share expert knowledge, clinical experience and professional cooperation on lifestyle medicine.

Our scientific programme will explore the latest innovations in lifestyle medicine. More information can be found on the Congress website

We look forward to meeting you in Budapest!

Ioannis Arkadianos, MD

ELMO President, President of the Congress Organizing Committee

Ioan Hanes, MD

ELMO Vice President President of the Congress Scientific Committee

  • The Discount Code for Endometriózis Magyarország followers is (ENDO). Using this discount code you will have a 10% discount to all registration fees of the congress.


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